Monday, April 25, 2011

This post is neither witty nor whimsical nor gramatically correct.

This post is rhubarb. Specifically Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.

 Like this. Does rhubarb have a peel like oranges or skin like carrots?

 Okay, I lied. There's also strawberries.

I have several hundred versions of this shot. I love the colours! Also, I was listening to Shrek: The Musical soundtrack at the time and it totally distracted me from moving on.

I didn't take any pictures after my the pie was baked though because I was too busy stuffing my face--I mean, um, because the lighting was bad. Yeah.

If I had to live with only one maybe-fruit-maybe-vegetable, I would choose rhubarb. No contest.


katie said...

Yum! this looks delicious. and your lattice top is perfect! i think some rhubarb is in my future...