Saturday, February 12, 2011


I woke up this morning with a focus: make Lemon Tartlets. Make them really cute and make lots of them. So I swirled my hair up in a bun, staggered downstairs in my pjs, and promptly lost all sight of my goal because according to the paper, Justin Bieber's in a movie. He's sixteen. And his hair is lame. I must go see this movie and mock him relentlessly.

When I remembered that I had a purpose in waking up an hour late early, I blared Legally Blonde: The Musical songs on my iPod and began baking. I love lemon tartlets because you make the shells yourself and they're tiny and miniature and anything tiny and miniature is darling. Just look at babies. All they do is cry and sleep and poop and eat, but they're darling because they only come in size XXS.

They (the tarts not the babies) came out lovely.

You know what? They tasted yummy. And you know what else? I made them entirely without incident!

Except for the fire.

But it was a very tiny fire. Some might even call it darling.


Homegrown said...


katie said...

yum! i have been craving these for weeks! i'd love your recipe!